Not only from the chromatographic point of view, I wish you in the year 2010:
Not only from the chromatographic point of view, I wish you in the year 2010:
Chromatography Forum is a public discussion group where you can post questions, news, or messages of interest to chromatographers everywhere.
Do you know how to write the scientific paper? Are you looking for step by step procedure you should follow? Download Editor’s Presentation on “How to write a world class paper” prepared by the Elsevier.
Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to participate in Discussion group organized by the An International Separation Science Society (CASSS). The main topic was the Scientific Achievements Award for one of the founders of modern HPLC – Dr. Jack Kirkland.
Recently, I was thinking about my relationship to my work. Is this really what I want(ed) to do? Do I feel any kind of satisfaction? Is this what I want to do during rest of my life? And answers? Yes, definetely! In all cases. So, if you are insterested, read more why do I like science.